To keep all our members informed, we created this page for the minutes of our meetings. Now everyone will be able to see what changes if any, are going on in the league. October 1st, Election Meeting Minutes Minutes taken by Debbie H. Minutes Present: Joe Cafarella, Mike Colao, Debbie Hengst, John Pallaci, Frank Maietta, Bill Malaney, Sue Malaney, Rudy Maida, Jeff Cafarella, Fred Seiler, Joel Magliarditti Absent: Tony Putaski, Tom Penale Sr., Carm Colao, Al Boudreau, Kevin Mooradian, Tom Zona REVIEW OF MINUTES The minutes of the 7/9/00 board of directors meeting were approved as written. FANTASY ISLAND UPDATE Sue reported that she has given out 61 free tickets and sold 58. So far, we will owe Fantasy Island $702.25. Banquet is already booked for 8/19/01 next year. TERRITO PHOTOGRAPHY Al Territo wants to sponsor a team for next year. We also received a rebate check of $120. He is making plaques for the sponsors. UPDATE ON MANAGERS Discussed managers who are returning or who would like to move into another division. Dan Wirth would like to take over Felicetti Tigers (minors). Tony Minicucci would like to take over a majors team. Bill also needs the final standings from all divisions for 2000. Bob Casilio is requesting a minors team. TREASURER?EPORT Balance as of 8/20/00 is 4,375.48. Mike reviewed the year-to-date income statement which reflects that the league is pretty much on target with the 2000 budget. The board reviewed the loss in split raffles this year compared to last, as well as concession sales due to rain outs. SCHOLARSHIP UPDATE One application was given out; nothing returned. THANK YOU AD John gave Debbie the list of businesses who donated to the tournament. She will place a thank-you ad in the paper. UPCOMING ELECTIONS/BOARD RECRUITMENT The following individuals stated they would not or could not return to the board next year: Rudy Maida, Mike Colao, Fred Seiler, Joel Magliarditti, Sue Malaney. The following individuals expressed an interest in returning: John Pallaci, Bill Malaney, Debbie Hengst, Jeff Cafarella. Frank was unsure whether he would be able to return. Joe stated he was resigning as an officer and was going to take a trustee position on the board. Individuals that have expressed an interest in joining the board are: Mary Kinney, Mike Hall, Joe LaGamba and Dennis Hengst. NEXT MEETING Sunday, November 12th. Time 7:00pm Respectfully submitted, Debbie Hengst Secretary