M I N U T E S Present: Tony Putaski, Mike Hall, Debbie Hengst, Terri Hall, Bill Malaney, Mary Kinney, Jeff Cafarella, Shari Spina, Frank Maietta, Kathy Collins, Joe LaGamba, Joe Cafarella, Rudy Maida Absent: John Pallaci, Kevin Mooradian Excused: Mary Kinney, Todd Collins MINUTES B. Malaney motioned and F. Maietta seconded the motion to accept the minutes from the January 2001 board meeting as written. Motion passed. TREASURER’S REPORT Current balance is $4315.64 Accounts receivables total $550.00. S. Spina motioned and J. LaGamba seconded the motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion passed. 2001 Budget: Terri distributed the tentative budget for 2001. This reflects about $7000 more in revenues than last year, netting a surplus of approximately $3275 for the year. Recommendation made to have the cash register fixed in order to reconcile the money every night. OLD BUSINESS Seniors-Cayuga: Waiting on registration numbers from both leagues. Tournament Director: Al Boudreau will not be available to take this position; Jeff and Joe have offered to take care of the tournaments. Sponsor Update: Paid - Goodfella’s Pizza, Bucky’s, Michael’s, VFW, Bowl-O-Drome, Frenchy’s. Will sponsor, but pay later: Sirianni Concrete-It, Scooby’s. Fundraising: More fundraising may be done with all-stars rather than the entire league. Suggestion made to have a hot dog sale at Sam’s Club or WalMart to help offset expenses for all-stars. Any monies in excess of what is needed would go into the general league fund. Kathy suggested “action photos.” These will be pursued. Manager Update: Discussion on the manager of Wilson Farms Yankees (minors), Tony Minicucci. Dave Bersani assisted Minicucci last year and would like to take over managing the team. Minicucci was noted to be very hard on the kids and may be better suited for the majors. This will have to be discussed in more detail. Bob Casilio will be taking over B&D Diamondback (minors); Kevin Parker has offered to assist with coaching. Dan Wirth taking over as manager of Felicetti Tigers. Suggestion to develop a job description for managers and coaches. All-Star Check - Stop Payment: Terri needs more information/paper work in order to resend the check. Fax Machine: Discounts on fax machines usually pop up in March/April; Frank will check on it then; possibly look for donation. Try Outs: Try outs have been changed to March 18 at Niagara Catholic. It was noted that we have made a donation to Niagara Catholic in the past for use of their facilities. T. Hall motioned and J. LaGamba seconded the motion to donate $100 to Niagara Catholic. Motion passed. By-Laws: Meeting scheduled for 2/23/01 at 5:30 at Mike’s house. Keys: Bill is still trying to get the rest of the keys back. NEW BUSINESS Registration: A third registration will be held on 2/18/01. We currently have 24 midgets (two teams), 45 minors (four teams), 54 majors (five teams) and 36 seniors (three teams). Bill will be calling everyone who has not registered to remind them and/or see why they aren’t registering this year. Stamps: Debbie requested $25.00 to cover postage for mailings not included in the bulk mailings. Insurance: Debbie checked minutes from last year; there was nothing mentioned about a deductible. Tony will check with Lisa Restaino. Concession Stand: The back of the concession stand is in need of a paint job. Umpires: Tony is meeting with the Umpires Association on 3/1/01. Senior VP: Nick Lowe, 18-year old, has asked to be appointed to the position of senior VP. Everyone agreed. NEXT MEETING The next meeting was scheduled for Sunday, March 4, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at Knights of Columbus. Respectfully submitted, Deborah J. Hengst Secretary |
Note: Minutes have been archived yet. |